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Board Meeting Dates and Information

 The Haywood School Board of Education meets the second Monday of each month in the school library, visitors are welcome. Agendas are posted at the front entrance to the school and on this Website the Friday before the meeting. 

The Board wishes to hear the viewpoints of district citizens and considers the ressponsible presentation of these viewpoints vital to the efficient operation of the school system. The board also recognizes its responsibilities to properly govern the system in an orderly, efficient and legal manner. As such, the following procedureshave been established regarding imput from patrons:

  1. Any individual or group wishing to address the board must present a written request to the superintendent’s office not later than 3:00 p.m. five working days before a board meeting.  The request shall state the name(s) of the person(s) making the request, and a specific account of the matter to be discussed.  If the matter is in the nature of a complaint, the person(s) must have first followed the procedures set forth in the board’s policy on resolution of complaints before requesting to be heard by the board.  The group or individual will be notified of acceptance of the request to speak and an appropriate agenda item will be added.
  2. Any group or individual given permission to address the board must adhere to a maximum time limit of two minutes.  This may be extended by approval of the board.
  3. Groups of two or more persons must designate a spokesperson to speak for the group.
  4. The board will not vote on any matter discussed unless the agenda specifically calls for a vote on the item being addressed. 
  5. Speakers are asked to express themselves in a civil manner, with due respect for the dignity and privacy of others who may be affected by a speaker’s comments.  While it is not the District’s intent to stifle public comment, speakers should be aware that if their statements violate the rights of others under the laws of defamation or invasion of privacy, persons making such statements may be held legally responsible.  If you are unsure of the legal ramifications of what you are about to say, the District urges you to consult first with your legal advisor.

2025 Meeting Dates:

January 13

February 10 

March 10

April 14 

May 12

June 9

July 14

August 11

September 8

October 13

November 10

December 8